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Truck tyre twinning

Truck Tyre Twinning

The process of twinning is intended to ensure that the vehicle and its load are carried safely when there are two wheels in one hub position, such as on the drive axle of a tractor.

A well-constructed tyre policy will define the maximum difference in tread depth between twin wheel tyres, setting a reasonably attainable target and encouraging optimal wear. Best practice is to maintain no more than a 5mm tread difference between tyres on the same axle.

Importance of Matching Tread Depths

It is crucial to consider the differences in tread depths across all tyres and whether any wheel may require a tyre or position swap to ensure safety and optimal performance. For example, if the inner tyre in a twin arrangement is nearly worn to the limits while the outer tyre is new, the load will be unevenly distributed. The outer tyre, being larger, will carry more of the load.

This can cause excessive heat build-up in the outer tyre, potentially leading to irreparable damage to the casing, preventing future regrooving or retreading, or even causing an uncontrolled tyre failure. In the best case, the outer tyre will wear faster than normal.

Twinning at Tyres24

Twinning is the process of carefully matching the tyres on vehicles with twin wheels on the drive axle. For tyre performance and safety reasons, Tyres24 corrects any mismatch in brands, tread patterns, tread depth, and stage of life. This meticulous matching ensures the best possible performance and safety for your fleet.

Factors Affecting Tyre Wear

Tyre wear rates vary significantly by axle and application:

  • Urban Environments: Vehicles used in urban areas often suffer sidewall scuffing.
  • Lift Axles: Tyres on lift axles experience reduced use.
  • Road Camber: Differences in road camber impact wear for regional usage.
  • Three-Axle Trailers: The tyre on the last axle of a three-axle trailer wears faster than the others.

Our Solution

At Tyres24, our tyre technicians are trained to rotate wheels through 180° or move them to a different axle to ensure even tread wear and improve total mileage. This proactive approach helps maintain safety and efficiency for your fleet.

Contact Tyres24 today to learn more about our twinning process and how we can help optimize the performance and lifespan of your tyres.

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